Week 5

Week 5

Tutorial 5: Volume Integrals

  1. Find a volume bounded by the surface , and, .
    1. πŸ‘‰
  1. Find the total mass of a spherical object with radius of and with a density function of , where is the radial distance from the center of the sphere.
    1. πŸ‘‰
  1. Find the moment of inertia of the following hollow cylinder with constant density along the -axis.
    1. notion image
  1. Find the volume of the following paraboloid. Hint: Inside of the cone boundary is not empty, but it is used to calculate the height upper boundary of the paraboloid ().
    1. notion image
      Radius upper boundary:
      Height upper boundary:
      Hence, the cylindrical coordinate boundary is: , ,
  1. Evaluate where is enclosed by , , and .
    1. πŸ‘‰
      We will use cylindrical coordinates to easily solve this sum. Converting the given outer limits of we get:
      Since there is no limitation on the values of , we assume it has the values of to . This is also in accordance with the diagram which is obtained by drawing these surfaces.
      Also, we substitute in the argument of theΒ integral.
      Thus, the integral is,
  1. Integrate the function over the volume enclose by the planes and , and between the surfaces and .
    1. πŸ‘‰
      Since is expressed as a function of , we should integrate in the direction first. After this we consider theΒ -plane.
      The two curves meetΒ at and . We can integrate in or Β first. If we choose , we can seeΒ that the region begins at and ends at , and so is between 0 and 1.
      Thus, the integral is,
  1. Find the volume of the tetrahedron with corners at , , , and .
    1. πŸ‘‰
      The whole problem comes down to correctly describing the region by inequalities:
      The lower limit comes from the equation of the line that forms one edge of the tetrahedron in the x-y plane
      The upper limit comes from the equation of the plane that forms the β€œupper” side of the tetrahedron. Now the volume is
  1. Find the volume under above the quarter circle inside in the first quadrant.
    1. πŸ‘‰
  1. An object occupies the space inside both the cylinder and the sphere , and has density at . Find the total mass.
    1. πŸ‘‰
  1. Find the volume bounded by the cylinder and the planes ; .
    1. notion image
      Place the volume element in general position, and integrate to a rod along the -direction. Then integrate the rod over the circle: